The Confal company has been the biggest producer of aluminium alloys on the base of scrap re-melting in Slovakia for several years. The production technology is designed to allow to change the type of produced alloy promptly which allows to be very flexible against market changes. We market our products mainly by high quality and orientation on technologically most exacting aluminium alloys. Our long-term strategy is a direct and closest contact to the customer primarily on the technological side. By winning the best feedback from the customer we are able to design the properties of the produced alloy to the foundry purposes in the most possible way.
The range of alloys produced by our company is wide and includes nearly all the European norm. The chemical composition is produced on customers order and the customer usually specifies the base norm number, individual deviations, limits for percentual content of elements and also alloying and modification. We deliver the alloy in ingots 5-7kgs each bundled into bundles with plastic or aluminium band.